So the setup is the following:
- Ruby on Rails Application
- Using Stripe Checkout (JS) for Payments (version 3 I believe)
- Payments working in almost every browser except for Internet Explorer 9
The way the error manifested itself is that a IE 9 user would try to make a payment - the Stripe form would pop up properly, the user is able to enter their information, and the Green Check even happens and the Stripe form disappears but
- The following post action of the form doesn't happen
- And when I checked the Stripe dashboard - it looks like the payment didn't actually go through
So what's the culprit? It has to do with the form_tag and what it interjects into the form. I basically had the following code:
<%= form_tag "/some_action", class: "stripe-form" do %> <script src="" class="stripe-button" data-key="<%= Rails.configuration.stripe[:publishable_key] %>" data-amount="<%= amount %>" data-name="app" data-description="<%= description %>" data-email="<%= %>"> </script> <% end %>
So you know how the form_tag helper throws in the authenticity_token for security (if you don't, visit your webpage and look at the HTML source and you'll see that rails injects 2 hidden input fields for security checks). Now what's the issue? IE 9 does not like the DIV tags that surround the authenticity_token inputs fields. That's what causes the issue.Solution
So how to solve this? Well, I couldn't find an easy way to get rails to do this itself through the form_tag (and I would welcome if anybody knows how to do this using the form_tag), but basically you have to manually reconstruct the HTML that form_tag produces, and just don't include the DIV tags that surround the authenticity_token inputs. I also added some "display:none" styles to make sure formatting look good. So the code looks like this (the important thing is to remember to still include the authenticity_token inputs, just NOT inside DIV tags):
Hope this helps out some peeps.<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="<%= "/some_action" %>" method="POST" class="stripe-form"> <input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓" style="display:none"> <input name="authenticity_token" type="hidden" value="<%= form_authenticity_token %>" style="display:none"> <script> src="" class="stripe-button" data-key="<%= Rails.configuration.stripe[:publishable_key] %>" data-amount="<%= amount %>" data-name="app" data-description="<%= description %>" data-email="<%= %>"> </script> </form>
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